The First Step

Research. I’ve begun by trying to find what sources I can use for finding recipes and foods. The easiest way to go about this seems to be via the Farmer’s market. For those of you who don’t know, the Seattle Farmer’s Market website has a food calendar where one can find what is expected to be in season each month. Pick a likely ingredient or two and google “ingredient A and ingredient B recipe” and you will come across numerous possibilities. Most are too grand for what I’m capable of right now, but I found a few that look like good possibilities.

Main Course: Lemony Asparagus Pasta from Eating Well. Asparagus should be in season right now, even if this recipe was intended for earlier summer. Seattle June is always a little cooler than most places, anyway (June-uary, anyone?) with days in the mid to lower-60s and near constant cloud cover. Something warm would be nice, and this might be the last time this summer I want to be in a kitchen with a pot of boiling water. Besides, what could I possibly do to pasta?

Side Dish: Fried Squash Blossoms by The Inadvertent Gardener, an adaptation from The Joy of Cooking. While I had never heard of eating squash blossoms before they looked absolutely delicious. The ingredients seemed pretty simple, cheese and herbs. I know that squash blossoms would be hard to find, especially as it is late June, but I just had to try these. The best advantage, they’re fried; no matter what I do they’ll taste great.

Side Dish: Salad, something even I don’t need a recipe for. June is when we can finally turn our backs on the wilty salad bags from the grocery store. While greens do come in earlier in the year, June is the time when they really start to shine. I figured I could almost certainly find a few varieties at any farmer’s market for an easy salad.

Dessert: Strawberry Rhubarb Pie from Eating Well. I had this once at a party and loved it, never had it since. I figured now was the time to try. I’ve never made a fruit pie before, but, honestly, the crust looks like the hardest part.